The MT22KV 22kV High Voltage Phasing Stick is an all-in-one meter including a Phase Comparator with colour coded scale indication, a Voltage Detector with Neon Indication and a Scaled Voltmeter. This Multifunction Phasing Stick utilizes a long established technique to detect and measure high voltages and perform phasing tests. This dual pole instrument incorporates modern, high quality glass fibre front ends, composite polyurethane main body moulding to give tough and very lightweight construction and superior safety features. It has an analogue colour coded dual scales and neon indication. The dual scale read direct (no multiplier) in kVAC or in % of full scale and is colour coded (Green = in phase, Red = out of phase). A bright neon is included on the scale for easy visibility indoor and it has dual purpose. The neon is also a detector and will be lit when the voltage across the poles is higher than 1200VAC. In case of unlikely failure of the analogue scale indicator, the neon can be used as voltage detector.
This 22kV High Voltage Phasing Stick is housed in a superb high quality modern plastic case with shock absorbing foam. It is ideally suited for testing of grounded or ungrounded systems. Important applications include checking voltage fuses, testing for correct phase connections, and for absence of high voltage on de-energized lines or apparatus.
To view the extensive range of High Voltage Phasing Sticks, click here.
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